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Completely Defeated Already - A Case Against Non-Disclosure Agreements in Churches.


Updated: Aug 1, 2022

28 Feb 2020 - Geoff Robson READ FULL ARTICLE HERE

Spiritual abuse is far more widespread than most Christians think, and the inappropriate solution of signing an NDA is also more common than most Christians think.

Here’s why we should do away with NDAs in churches or other ministries.

They silence victims—with money (in the form of severance pay, etc) often serving as the unholy carrot. ‘Sign this, or you won’t get paid. Where will that leave you and your family for the next few months?’ Actually, it will sound more like this: ‘We want to care for you as you make this transition and ensure you get what’s owed to you. We’ll just need you to sign this first…’

[For this and other reasons, I’m not criticizing any individual who chooses to sign an NDA. I’m criticizing the people who propose the idea of an NDA in the first place, not to mention the broader culture that has sprung up and made this seem like a good solution. Those asked to sign may feel like they have—or may actually have—little real choice.]

They protect perpetrators. The sinner’s sin is swept under the rug. Instead of perpetrators being called to account, the victim now faces legal action if they dare speak the truth. The desire to protect perpetrators often arises because (a) others (e.g. denominational leaders or elders) think that they’ll look bad by association, or (b) well, he’s such a gifted leader, and we can’t afford for him to lose his platform.

(a) No, we look bad when we suppress the truth. (b) Yes, actually, we can afford to lose him. God doesn’t need anyone’s gifts, no matter how spectacular or important we judge them to be. More than anything else, God desires our holiness. That leader is eminently replaceable (and so are you and I).

Maybe most importantly, NDAs eschew a gospel-shaped response to sin in favour of a secular response to sin. I understand the need for NDAs in the dog-eat-dog secular world; but why would Christians who’ve come together for the purpose of gospel ministry resort to this type of worldly solution?

Published at Every Thought Captive

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