Synod Report on the use of
Non-Disclosure Agreements 2024
In 2024 Sydney Synod will consider an important report by the Standing Committee of the use of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) in the Diocese. This report is the result of the work of the NDA Committee, which was appointed by the Standing Committee in August 2022.
The report sketches out theological principles for a "distinctively Christian practise". while there are legitimate uses of NDAs, the report recognises that there are also uses which contravene key theological principles. Particularly fraught is the use of NDAs at the point of employment separation where a breakdown in relationship has occurred.
The report acknowledges that the NDAs are "used in our society at large often with little or no ethical reflection". It further notes that "those seeking to resist an unreflective use of NDAs will likewise need to resist legal advice in the process (since standard advice prefers un-nuanced approaches to the use of NDAs) and will need encouragement to feel confident to do so."
The report makes recommendations, including that "all parishes, diocesan organisations, and [Anglican] schools" either "adopt a policy" or "make a public 'pledge'" in relation to the use of NDAs which reflects the principles of the report.
A full copy of the report can be found in Book 1 Annual Report of the Standing Committee, beginning at page 177. (You can find the extracted NDA report here)
This is a critical discussion, with the potential to curtail the improper use of NDAs in the Diocese to cover up misconduct and silence the victimes of abuse.
For all interested - especially members of Sydney Synod - Uphold is hosting an information Evening on Thursday 29th August. Dr Julie Macfarlane, co-founder of Can't Buy My Silence, will speak about the use of NDAs in churches and Christian organisations. Archdeacon Simon Flinders will present on the report, with time for questions and engagement.
Uphold Information Night 2024
Venerable Reverend Simon Flinders
Sydney Anglican Sub-committee on NDAs
Dr Julie Macfarlane
Can't Buy My Silence

The important information on these pages has been prepared for Sydney Anglican Synod members. Your vote is important and has real-life implications for vulnerable people. Please take some time to review the information and video presentations here.
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