Become a member
Uphold is a legally incorporated organisation requiring a membership approval process. We would love to have you on board to be part of the work we are doing to support and advocate for gospel workers in times of crisis.
The main benefit of Uphold membership is solidarity for the cause. Uphold members pray for the committee and can volunteer to assist with various campaigns from time to time. Uphold membership is for people who would like to support our campaign for change. You can be involved as much or as little as you like.
The Uphold Membership Database is not publicly available and we respect people's privacy concerns. You must join Uphold as yourself (not as a pseudonym) but only the committee will have access to the database.
NB. You do NOT have to become a member of Uphold to receive our help. If you would like to contact the Uphold team to ask for personal support, please contact us HERE instead.
A membership fee, of $30 per annum, is payable once your Uphold membership has been confirmed. This is simply a token amount which helps to cover some of Uphold's administrative, legal and campaign-related costs and it allows the work to continue. Membership dues need to be up to date in order to vote at our AGM and to join our members' Facebook group. Membership can be cancelled at any time.
We are an evangelical, Bible-believing organisation with no denominational affiliation, as reflected in our statement of faith. We require our members to assent to this statement. Please read our Mission, Objects and Statement of Faith here.
The Uphold committee is staffed entirely by volunteers who are passionate about supporting and advocating for people who have been mistreated.
We are campaigning for change and often looking for more volunteers to help us. If you would like to be involved, please consider applying for membership (please note, volunteering is not a requirement for membership).
The committee meets monthly and membership applications are reviewed at these meetings. You will be contacted shortly after the next Uphold committee has convened.
NB. Please do not pay your membership dues until after your membership has been approved.
We appreciate your support and we look forward to connecting with you!
- The Uphold Team